
Transport Loch Lomond Scotland

A82The Scottish Government's Strategic Transport works Assessment identified some actions to reduce congestion and improve traffic moves along some sections of the A82.

The course between Tarbet and Inverarnan operates next to the west bank of Loch Lomond for 17 km (10.6 miles).

It is found within the Loch Lomond additionally the Trossachs National Park in a location of outstanding natural splendor. Its a complex web site, actually constrained, with the loch on a single part, and hillside and railroad on the other side. All possible update choices will likely to be reviewed assuring affordable.

The study will give consideration to problems including:

  • The effect of widening the street,
  • Possibilities to improve exposure and reduce the levels of accidents
  • Improving drainage
  • Pedestrian and period access
  • Auto parking and lay-by provision
  • Delivering journey time reliability

The £2 million design and review work were only available in summer 2013 and ended up being finished in September 2015 aided by the identification of a preferred path alternative. The work viewed a selection of problems, including:

  • Environmental influence
  • Surface investigation
  • Traffic effect
  • Economic evaluation
  • Value for money

The study adopted an objective led method informed by consideration regarding the issues and constraints.

Stage 1 Evaluation - Preferred Route Corridor

The style handbook for Roads and Bridges (DMRB) phase 1 assessment to spot a favored corridor conformed particular Transport Planning Objectives (TPO) that most useful defined what the scheme is attempting to obtain.

The five TPOs created were:

  1. To improve journey times for A82 trunk road users between Tarbet and Inverarnan (predicated on noticed post Pulpit Rock plan).
  2. To reduce injury accident numbers and their particular extent from the A82 between Tarbet and Inverarnan to-be closer to or better than national KSI (Killed or really Injured) rates.
  3. To give appropriate stopping options for visitors as well as for all trunk motorists on the A82 between Tarbet and Inverarnan using account regarding the unique setting regarding the route inside the National Park.
  4. To look for to provide opportunities for improved accessibility by sustainable settings of travel across the A82 corridor between Tarbet and Inverarnan.
  5. To reduce disturbance to motorists resulting from the undertaking of upkeep activities regarding A82 between Tarbet and Inverarnan.

A wide range of path corridors had been identified and following a preliminary sifting procedure with the above goals, the 3 most possible course corridors had been narrowed down seriously to:

  • Route Corridor 1 - the prevailing A82 path corridor
  • Route Corridor 2 - a course corridor from Arrochar to Inveruglas along Glen Loin to where it joins the current A82 route corridor
  • Route Corridor 3 - a path corridor above and also to the west of western Highland Rail range

An evaluation regarding the engineering difficulties, ecological results and traffic and business economics determined that Route Corridor 1 (A82 on-line, the ‘red route’ - see program above) ended up being the preferred corridor.

Other available choices, such as for instance a straight line tunnel through hillside or a submerged tunnel in loch had been also considered, but sifted completely at an early on phase because they did not meet every one of the targets. Additionally, it is notable that £4 billion approximated cost of the tunnels had been significantly higher and could have provided a significantly reduced economic return compared to the other choices.

A leaflet providing further information on the most well-liked course corridor had been distributed to stakeholders and landowners.

The project advanced level to DMRB Stage 2, using evaluation and recognition of a chosen course in the corridor.

Stage 2 Assessment - Preferred Path

The DMRB Stage 2 preferred route assessment work is now complete.

Several route choices and sub options had been considered and sifted. Four path choices had been after that developed for evaluation below:

  • Route solution 3 – an internet path with over-loch areas
  • Path Option 4 – an option with fewest bends

An idea associated with the route choices assessed is supplied in the link below:

On the basis of the path choices evaluation procedure, path Option 1 – online improve – is usually to be taken forward given that preferred course option. Additional consideration is provided to these, within the design and development of the preferred course alternative (DMRB Stage 3 evaluation procedure):

  • Inclusion of two brief off-line parts near Ardvorlich
  • The alignment is going to be developed to reduce impact on properties and landowners
  • The positioning will additionally be adjusted to aid construction and reduce delays to motorists
  • A carriageway width of 6 metres and 7.3 metres (both with 1 metre hardstrips) should be considered

An indicative program associated with the favored course option is provided in next website link:

a general public convention occured at different venues to present the preferred course option.

Public Events

Public Exhibitions were held on Wednesday 30 September at Arrochar, Thursday 1 October at Crianlarich, Friday 2 October at Oban and Tuesday 6 October at Fort William. View the event products the following.

What Are The Results Next?

Transport Scotland will now just take forth the growth and assessment for the favored path option to DMRB Stage 3.

The following stage associated with evaluation process will include:

  • Consultation with stakeholders, affected landowners while the general public
  • Design growth of the most well-liked route option
  • Recognition associated with the land necessary for the system and planning of Draft sales that will determine the distinct the evolved preferred course alternative
  • Environmental effect evaluation associated with the developed preferred path option and planning of Ecological Statement
  • Improvement ideal mitigation actions to cut back impacts regarding the environment

As part of the strive to improve this area of the A82 in advance of the upgrade plan, Transport Scotland and trunk road running business, BEAR Scotland, can also be carrying out an intensive programme of temporary improvements that'll consist of plant life and tree canopy approval, approval and improvement regarding the existing drainage system, in addition to elimination of loose rocks and stones through the brink of this present A82. The feasibility of additional medium-term interim improvements – such as localised schemes to broaden the street at tight bends and extra improvements on drainage system along the way – will also be investigated.

Ways to get involved

Transport Scotland and CH2M - Fairhurst partnership are working closely with Loch Lomond therefore the Trossachs nationwide Park, Argyll and Bute Council, Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, system Rail, neighborhood councils among others in doing the analysis.

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